Building a Chrome Extension: Step-by-Step Guide

Programming your first chrome extension

Creating a Chrome extension involves several steps. Here’s a basic outline of the process:

  1. Design Your Extension:
    • Decide what your extension will do.
    • Determine which Chrome APIs it will need.
    • Sketch out a basic design and user interface.
  2. Set Up Your Development Environment:
    • Install Google Chrome if you haven’t already.
    • Utilize a good text editor (like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom) for writing code.
  3. Create the Manifest File:
    • Create a new folder for your extension files.
    • Within this folder, create a file named manifest.json.
    • The manifest file must contain basic metadata about your extension such as name, version, and manifest_version.
  4. Develop the Background Script (if needed):
    • This is a JavaScript file that runs in the background and manages some of the extension’s logic.
    • Not all extensions need a background script, but if yours does, create a .js file for it.
  5. Create the User Interface:
    • If your extension has a UI, such as a popup, create HTML and CSS files for it.
    • Design it according to your initial plan, making it intuitive and user-friendly.
  6. Add Functionality with JavaScript:
    • Write JavaScript code to add functionality to your extension.
    • This can include event handling, interacting with web pages, and using Chrome APIs.
  7. Include Icons and Images:
    • Add icons in various sizes (like 16×16, 48×48, 128×128 pixels) for the extension’s toolbar, browser action, and listing in the Chrome Web Store.
    • Store them in your extension’s folder.
  8. Test Your Extension Locally:
    • Go to chrome://extensions/ in the Chrome browser.
    • Enable ‘Developer mode’.
    • Click ‘Load unpacked’ and select your extension’s folder.
    • Test the extension thoroughly, check for bugs, and make sure it works as intended.
  9. Debug and Refine:
    • Use Chrome’s developer tools to debug your extension.
    • Make any necessary adjustments based on your testing.
  10. Package Your Extension:
    • Compress your extension folder into a .zip file.
  11. Publish to Chrome Web Store:
    • Create a developer account on the Chrome Web Store if you don’t have one.
    • Pay a one-time registration fee.
    • Upload your .zip file and fill out the necessary information like description, screenshots, etc.
    • Submit your extension for review.
  12. Maintain and Update:
    • After publication, maintain your extension by updating it regularly.
    • Respond to user feedback and fix any emerging issues.

Depending on the complexity of your extension, you might need to dive deeper into specific aspects like content scripts, permissions, or more advanced APIs. Be sure to consult the official Chrome extension documentation for detailed guidance and best practices.

Creating a Chrome Extension – Step-by-Step

For our example, we will create a simple extension that will count all the words on the currently displayed web page and display the most common keyword, along with the number of times it appears on the page.   This is useful for SEO and help with the ranking of keywords.

Let’s break down the process into detailed steps:

1. Set Up Your Extension Directory

Create a new folder on your computer. This will hold all the files for your extension. For this example, let’s call the folder `KeywordCounter`.

2. Create the Manifest File

In the `KeywordCounter` folder, create a file named `manifest.json`. This file contains metadata about your extension. Here’s a basic manifest:

Code Snippet - Create the Manifest File

3. Create the Popup UI

Create a file named `popup.html` in the `KeywordCounter` folder. This file will define the UI of the popup that appears when you click the extension icon. Here’s a simple example:

HTML Code Snippet - Create the Popup UI

4. Add Icons

Create a folder named `icons` within the `KeywordCounter` folder. Place your extension’s icons in this folder. You’ll need three sizes: 16×16, 48×48, and 128×128 pixels.

5. Write the Content Script

Create a file named `content.js` in the `KeywordCounter` folder. This script will analyze the webpage and find the most common keyword. Here’s a basic example:

JavaScript Code Snippet - Write the Content Script

6. Communicate Between Popup and Content Script

Modify your `popup.html` to include a script that communicates with the content script:

HTML Script - Write the Content Script

7. Load and Test Your Extension

1. Open Chrome and go to `chrome://extensions/`.
2. Enable ‘Developer mode’.
3. Click ‘Load unpacked’ and select your `KeywordCounter` folder.
4. Navigate to a webpage and click your extension icon to see the most common keyword.


– This example is very basic and might not handle all edge cases.
– The content script counts keywords based on word frequency, not semantic importance.
– The extension will count all words in the text of the current webpage, which may include navigation, footer text, etc., not just the main content.
– Remember to create and add your own icons in the `icons` folder.
– You might want to add more sophisticated error handling and processing for real-world usage.
– Always test your extension thoroughly and respect user privacy and Chrome Web Store policies.

Additional Resources

Here are some web resources that provide additional support, tutorials, and documentation to guide you through the process: